Kansas Wage Garnishment Attorney
You work hard for your paycheck and if ANY amount is removed through wage garnishment, the financial strain can be devastating. Skinner Law, LLC serves clients in Johnson County, Douglas County, and elsewhere in Kansas. If you want to stop wage garnishment, contact us for a free consultation with our knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney.
If you have a lot of debt, creditors may be calling you or your family and friends at all hours of the day and filling up your mailbox with threatening letters. They may be calling you at work, threatening your employment. Simply answering the phone or checking the mail can be an act of courage. How does filing bankruptcy end the harassment? Once you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the automatic stay is triggered which prohibits creditors from contacting your or attempting to collect on their debts. If you want to stop creditor harassment, our Kansas bankruptcy attorney can help. Discover whether filing bankruptcy is right for your situation, contact Skinner Law, LLC for a free consultation.